Gomeroi Journeys (G-Journeys)

Like Oscar, find yourself by losing yourself

when walking and working alongside others

“My experience on Gomeroi Country was profound. I met many people from different communities and was able explore my own indigenous identity through these connections and experiences.” OSCAR


What is a G-Journey?

George and his team of volunteers organise and tailor week-long trips of service learning, awareness-raising and discovery in Gomeroi Country and surrounding regions of northern New South Wales. These trips are often for older high school students and their accompanying staff, but not exclusively so. At the centre of these trips is a chance to walk and work alongside staff and students in rural pre and primary schools, while experiencing life in the bush with a focus on widening an individual’s understanding of First Nation history, society, culture and tradition.

Please check out George’s right-hand man Oscar’s range of rich experiences on his various G-Journeys in the slideshow below. These included watching a Whitegum Sunset at the Warrumbungles National Park; paying respects and helping out with maintenance at Myall Creek memorial; a morning visit to Goonoowigall Nature Reserve; quality time reflecting, learning and sharing music and ideas with elders; NAIDOC celebrations in Armidale, as well as quality time in the warm and welcoming classrooms of Minimbah Aboriginal School.

In 2023, Oscar further celebrated his own Gomeroi identity through music, playing bass guitar at the Myall Creek pre-Commemoration concert alongside George, brother Jesse and mentor Uncle Alex Munro.

Putting relationships front and centre of all G-Journeys.

And don’t miss the accompanying video “Making Puggles”, where Oscar/Puggles (his tiem is an echidna) celebrates NAIDOC Day at Minimbah Aboriginal School by creating a wonderful sand artwork with his Mini-buddies and fellow staff from ACSL. Click here to view the artistic process visually summated in this cool one-minute clip!

Interested in knowing more?

Please get in touch with us if your school is interested in learning more and/or participating in a Gomeroi Journey with George and his team.